Judge After

Being unwilling to try unknown experiences because of existing biases and experienced expectations is a demonstration of both arrogance and ignorance. 

We all need to discern and pass judgment to live properly, safely, and according to our values. Post-judgment helps analyze outcomes, prejudgment is often harmful to growth. 

Honor Yourself

Honor is respect. Respect is felt and shown through admiration.

You honor others by showing them respect.

You honor yourself by respecting your own character, values, and principles.  

Admiration is always proven through action. 

Different Does Not Equal Double

A different standard does not mean a double standard.

A double standard is only when every important variable is the exact same, when the history is the same, when the goals are the same, and when the eternal purposes are the same. If those are not the same, the way we measure results has to be different – it wouldn’t be right to have the same standards if the vital variables are different.

Choosing Greatness

Being great in one area, requires sacrifice in others. 

Depending on your role, abilities, responsibilities, and eternal purpose – these sacrifices can change tremendously. 

Greatness (or excellence) means there is no room for improvement. 

The biggest fallacy is assuming greatness in all areas is possible.

You can be good everywhere if you work hard, but will not be and cannot be great in every area, that is why you must choose where you sacrifice, what you sacrifice, and who you sacrifice for that chosen greatness.