Top 10 Book List 2020 (to read in 2021)

2020 Changed us. 

We learned to care.

We learned that we all deserve to be surrounded by people who care.

We learned that those who care the most always prove it with words and actions.

In 2020 we learned to TRUST. We learned to trust each other and most of all, we learned to trust ourselves.

2020 Changed things.

We think differently.

We see things differently.

We experience things differently.

Because of 2020 we are less materialistic.

Because of 2020 we are relationship oriented.

Because of 2020 we spend more time in nature.

Because of 2020 we are more focused on health and wellness.

Because of 2020 we all care more. 

We care about each other. We care about what we produce and consume. We care about truth and we care about growth.

The more we care, the more we do.

To truly care about someone it includes both emotional and the physical. Caring is when you are physically and emotionally invested. One without the other could be sympathy, or empathy, or even compassion. But to truly care we must emotionally connect and physically do. As we do, we show care. But we must do the right things, we must become the right person. That comes through personal growth.

One way to show you care is by growing. There are many ways to drive personal growth. None are better than doing. Reading though is a close second. As we read we can learn what to do, we can learn how to do it, and that then can help us get the courage to do.

As we read more, we will grow more, which helps us care more. 

Reading helps us fight distraction. Reading helps us prioritize our thoughts and focus on what is real and relevant. Some say to kill your TV, you don’t have to. Just one hour more reading a week can change your life.

Every year I say I am going to slow down. I say that I am not going to read 100 books. Every year my addiction takes over and I read over 100 books.

The best part though is at the end. Each year I reflect on what I have read and then think about the people I know and the people I am close to. Then I put together a list of the books I think everyone should read. These might not be the most popular, or even new, but they are always new to me. These are the books that impacted me and caused me to think in new ways. They helped me overcome problems, helped me help others, or helped do things better. These books have given me valuable insights, support, and ideas. Hopefully, they will help you too.

Last year’s list was pretty powerful. 2020’s might be better.

Here are the TOP 10 Books everyone should read in 2021:

  1. Your Stories Don’t Define You by Sarah Elkins
  2. The Art of Caring Leadership by Heather Younger
  3. Leading the Workforce of the Future by Brigette Hyacinth
  4. Who Not How By Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy
  5. The Inspirational Leader by Gifford Thomas
  6. Together by Vivek Murthy
  7. The Man Who Solved the Market by Gregory Zuckerman
  8. The Vision Code by Oleg Konavalov
  9. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  10. Mr. Monkey and Me by MIke Smerklo

Honorable Mention (should also be in the TOP 10) :

Power of Emotion / Power of Thought

Thoughts can create emotions. Emotions can control thoughts. They feed off of each other

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Recipe For Opportunity

Opportunities are created by hard work, hope, an open mind, and vision. If you are missing one of those ingredients you will miss many great chances. The thing about opportunities is you shouldn’t take every single one. Many of them are not aligned with your overall purpose

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. That is where vision comes in. An open mind is about humility and creativity. Hope is being positive and optimistic even when there is no reason for it. Finally, hard work is the foundation – nothing happens without action. Nothing.

Success Is More Than Just Reading A Few Books

Goals only matter and help when supported by properly executed systems

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The quality of your life is determined by the consistency of your actions.

The trajectory is more important than the current position. Especially yours.

The best way to change who you are is to change what you do.

You ARE what you DO.

Your success is a result of your daily actions. You always get what you repeatedly do.

Nothing is more powerful than flexibility.

“All failure is failure to adapt, all success is successful adaptation.” – Max McKeown

Flexibility and adaptability allow for multiple scenarios of happiness. The best processes drive continual progress and do not focus on one end result but rather systematic growth and improvement.

When you adapt, you can create your future state and are never tied down to one set of results.

If you believe you will be successful, you will be.

“You have to believe. Otherwise, it will never happen.” – Neil Gaiman

This is how success is built: Belief turns into actions which produce results.

If success was a pyramid it would look like this:


Nothing is more important than your identity.

“Who you want to be is already inside of you waiting for you to confront who you are and tag them in to help you win the battle of the mind.” – Sanjo Jendayi

Identity determines everything.

Your identity is who you believe you are.

How do you identify? It is not about what you have done in the past, but who you are today, what you currently do.

This is how I identify:

  • Husband.
  • Father.
  • Teacher.
  • Advisor.
  • Athlete.
  • Sales pro.
  • Writer.
  • Reader.
  • Son.
  • Follower.
  • Leader.

How do you identify?

Your self-identity is your greatest strength and your most complete obstacle.

Your actions reinforce your identity.  ALWAYS.

The simple way to change who you are is to make a choice, commit to that choice and then prove that choice every single day.

Decide who you are – then prove it. You prove your identity to yourself every day.

You are stronger than you think you are. You are more than realize. You are whoever you decide to be.


P.S. –

Want better relationships? Get this free guide now!

I’ve created a quick guide for mastering professional relationships, immediately. If you follow this one MAIN truth and actionable steps found inside, your whole life will improve, quickly.

Also, connect with me!

— If you want to know what books to read that will help you start to change your life?

Start here: Read those, then decide who you are, then take action and the success will come.

We Are Our Thoughts

Self-esteem is your personal belief in who you are. Self-confidence is your personal belief in what you can accomplish. Both are states of mind. Both are attitudes

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. Both are our thoughts. We are not what we think we are, but what we are our thoughts. The more we embrace our potential in our thoughts, the better we become at living our true potential. Our thoughts are always turned into reality. The power of what we do is first manifest in what we think.

Traditions Connect

Humans need traditions. Traditions help us to sanctify our relationships and magnify our identities. As we allow the traditions of faith, family, and community to be practiced and supported, we build stronger connections both to those we love and know while deepening the unspoken and invisible bond with our creator as well as with the community at large

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Conflict is War

All conflict is war. War causes suffering or growth, often both. If the battle is against those internal or external demons that stop you from fulfilling your potential and you still overcome them – you will find strength and growth

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2018 Top Books (Booklist)


That is how many hours the average American wastes every year watching TV. Imagine that.

68 Straight Days!

Turn your trash into treasure.

We have some crazy shocking stats about waste and garbage and uselessness.

Here we go: the average American spends WAY TOO MUCH TIME on social media and TV in a year –

  • 608 hours wasted on social media
  • 1642 hours wasted on TV

What?! That’s 2250 hours a year spent on mostly worthless activity. Imagine if those hours were spent reading…How many books could you read?

Well, let’s figure this out:

The average American reads 200–400 words per minute.

So at 300 wpm the average person could read a typical non-fiction book (50k words) in about 3 hrs.

Let’s say you cut your TV time in half (keep your blessed social media) and you now have 821 hours freed up. In 821 hours you could finish 273 books! Nice. It makes my 100+ seem like I didn’t even try.

When you stop wasting time by reading a bit more, you turn your trash into a treasure trove of knowledge.

What could you learn from 273 books?

Even if you just read 12 books a year, your entire world could change.

If you are ready to change your life, start by reading something new.

Getting to the next level always requires a new form of sacrifice.

When it comes to education and enlightenment the sacrifice is always worth it.

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” — Jim Rohn

Whenever I am lost, I read. It helps me get centered. It helps me know where I am so I can determine how to get to where I am going.

There are a million reasons to read. Books create and inspire new thought.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” — Stephen King

Read to open your mind and inspire to ideas. Read to learn.

Read so you can help others.

Read so you can perform better.

Reading helps you build self-esteem, confidence, and courage.

Reading helps reduce anxiety.

Just start. 1 book is enough.

You do not need to read 100 books a year. I probably read too much.

“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.” — Mortimer J. Adler

I need to follow this better, I need to read deeper and more slowly.

Yet, the ideas that have come to me, the inspiration, the knowledge, and the connection are my treasures. They are profound to me and I am thankful for every word.

The best of the best in 2018.

Every year I share a Top 10 book list. Since I am choosy about what I read and I read over a 100 books a year (109 in 2018), these are the ones I consider the best of the best. These might not be the most popular, or even new, but they are always new to me. These are the books that impacted me and caused me to think in new ways. They helped me overcome problems, helped me help others, or helped do things better. These books have given me tremendous insights. Hopefully, they can help you too.

Here are the TOP 10 non-fiction books that impacted me the most in 2018:

…. Ok, I couldn’t narrow over 100 books to just 10, too many were so powerful and insightful, here are the TOP 30. Cutting to only this many still hurt.

(Author last name alphabetical order. If you want to know the order I would suggest reading them in…? Send me a message on LinkedIn)

1. Big Potential by Shawn Achor

2. Sales Ex-Machina by Victor Antonio, James Glenn-Anderson

3. Choose Well by The Arbinger Institute

4. EQ Applied by Justin Bariso

5. Barking Up The Wrong Tree by Eric Barker

6. The Trusted Executive by John Blakey

7. Helping People Win at Work by Ken Blanchard, Gary Ridge

8. Objections by Jeb Blount

9. Dare To Lead by Brene Brown


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. The Go-Giver Influencer by Bob Burg, John David Mann

11. Measure What Matters by John Doerr

12. The Enchiridion & Discourses by Epictetus

13. The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

14. A Philosophy of Walking by Frederic Gros

15. Eat Their Lunch By Anthony Iannarino

16. GAP Selling by Keenan

17. The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly

18. The Courage To Be Disliked by Fumitake Koga, Ichiro Kishimi

19. Selling From The Heart by Larry Levine

20. Being Happy by Andrew Matthews

21. 12 Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson

22. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

23. Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield

24. The Book of Mistakes by Skip Pritchard

25. Sales Leadership by Keith Rosen

26. YouMap by Kristin A. Sherry

27. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

28. Applied Empathy by Michael Ventura

29. Edgy Conversations by Dan Waldschmidt

30. The Shift by Kimberly White

You know you need to read more. So do it.

When you read your mind speaks and you teach yourself while learning from others. You discover what is available and how to connect your potential with the possibilities of a larger world.

Reading helps you develop needed skills both professionally and personally. You can find greater meaning by connecting with the stories of others.

When you read you connect ideas and experiences. Your mind improves, your life improves, and you will feel a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

Take some time to read more. You will become a better version of yourself if you read more great books.

You are stronger than you know. You are more capable than you think.

You are needed. You can help others and create a lasting impact. Keep going.

P.S. –

Want better relationships? Get this free guide now!

I’ve created a quick guide for mastering professional relationships, immediately. If you follow this one MAIN truth and actionable steps found inside, your whole life will improve, quickly.

Also, connect with me!

(Author last name alphabetical order. If you want to know the order I would suggest reading them in…? Send me a message on LinkedIn)

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