Pursuing a single legitimate purpose prevents you from becoming double-minded.
Effort + Patience
Nothing brings about your true destiny like dedicated effort and focused patience.
Learn From Them
People who refuse to learn from others are slaves to ignorance, pride, and unfulfilled potential.
The Cycle of Who We Are
Finding Happiness Is Good
Chasing more happiness equals less overall joy.
When we seek and choose joy, we find happiness.
But when we chase happiness, we usually miss out on finding and creating joy.
The Right Kind of Suffering
All suffering can have proven helpful meaning. Don’t seek unnecessary suffering, but embrace it when it comes. To grow we have to suffer, choose that kind of suffering. Internal suffering is a choice, external suffering is a challenge.
Logical Emotions
Most (maybe all) emotions are not logical. But logic can be used to adjust or stimulate our emotions.
Calm For Courage
A calm mind enables the strength of character. Moral strength helps us make the right decisions. When we are strong in the face of pain, grief, and temptation, we develop and show courage.
Loving Yourself Matters
When you truly love yourself,
the events of the outside world matter less,
and the opinions of others don’t matter at all.
Wait Until The Pain Is Actually Here
Anxiety is choosing to suffer before the pain is real, thus exponentially increasing the amount of pain and suffering we feel.