Keep Sharing – Keep Helping

Sharing your experiences does not invalidate someone else’s. Helping others see a new perspective or a new way to tell their own story does not invalidate their feelings. Growth hurts. Just because seeing things from a new and different perspective initially might hurt, the bigger picture is always more important. Being helpful to the person as a whole by supporting and encouraging growth is much more important than protecting current feelings and emotions. 

Judge After

Being unwilling to try unknown experiences because of existing biases and experienced expectations is a demonstration of both arrogance and ignorance. 

We all need to discern and pass judgment to live properly, safely, and according to our values. Post-judgment helps analyze outcomes, prejudgment is often harmful to growth. 

Honor Yourself

Honor is respect. Respect is felt and shown through admiration.

You honor others by showing them respect.

You honor yourself by respecting your own character, values, and principles.  

Admiration is always proven through action.