Expecting Luck

Expectations lead to work, and work lead to results, and results lead to luck. 

So expectations lead to luck. 

If we expect good things, we will work hard for them, because we expect results from our work. 

When we work toward our goals, we are creating an environment for luck to happen. 

Turn Knowing Into Doing

Taking what we know, and turning it into what we do is key to achieving our potential. 

We know that we become what we believe. 

We know that every opportunity has risk, but every risk has opportunity. 

We know that reflection is key to growth. 

We know that kindness is needed. 

We know that perseverance determines the winners. 

We know that doing beats planning. 

We know that courage is the foundation for all success. 

Pride Is… Not Letting Go

Pride is often not only who we are being, 

pride is also often about not letting,

not letting go. 

Pride is:

Not letting go of anger… 

Not letting go of sadness… 

Not letting go of grudges…

Not letting others be right… 

Not letting others help you…

Not letting yourself be wrong… 

Not letting yourself feel happy… 

Not letting go of selfish desires… 

Not letting yourself find success… 

Not letting the past stay in the past… 

Not letting others have the benefit of the doubt… 

Everything you let in, stays. 

Letting go is a choice. Holding on is a choice. 

We choose what we let in and what we let go of. 

Everything you let go of leaves you, the only things that stay are what you hold on to. 


Suffering Emotionally

We all suffer. Mental and emotional suffering often feels physical. 

We suffer from our fears and thoughts.

We create a world in our minds that doesn’t exist in reality. 

We suffer from our actions.

We regret the past, a past that cannot be changed. 

We suffer from our hopes,

when we cannot find a way to achieve our dreams in the current situation. 

Emotional suffering is a choice,

a choice of deciding what to accept and what to reject. 

When we accept ourselves for who we are,

and others as they are,

and the situation for what it is, 

we can reduce our suffering,

by letting go. 

Never Easy

It is never easy to achieve our potential. 

It is never easy to overcome doubt and fear. 

It is never easy to choose kindness when faced with uncertainty. 

That is why courage is so hard. Doing the right thing when it is hard is what is needed, but never easy.