15 Principles of Effective Communication
- Listen First, Then Ask More Questions – especially when you think you understand, ask another to clarify.
- Never Let Them Guess – make everything clear, over-communicate expectations, overstate actions, and always focus on next steps.
- Be Proactive, Tell Before They Ask – if they need to ask for an update, we need to be more proactive.
- Make It Easy For Them – make it simple, make it standard, repeat often.
- Always Follow-up – do not wait for them, keep all stakeholders up to date.
- Take Your Time – respond fast but don’t rush the answer, slow is fast, fast is slow.
- Stay Relevant – stay on topic, focus on what needs to be solved.
- Schedule Routine Client Communications – YES!
- Consider Their Comfort Zone – the more you think about them, the fewer errors will be made.
- Add a Personal Touch to Your Client Communications – be professional but still be a human.
- Push Back (The Right Way) – our clients trust us for our expertise and care, show them you are an expert and care about their success by helping them avoid disasters.
- Self-Correct – own your mistake: fix, apologize, keep going.
- Speak Their Language – use their words.
- Be Clear, Be Concise – short as possible and long as needed.
- Answer Then Teach – when responding to a question, most of the time: give the answer then explain, not the other way around. Teach after they feel they have been heard. (Unless you need to ask clarification questions)