Peacemaking – Mosten




A pioneer in mediation (Peacemaking), Forrest Woody Mosten writes that:


“Peacemaking is not a process but a set of values, personal attributes, goals and behaviors that guide our work.”


In his short article titled: Beyond Mediation Toward Peacemaking”

Forrest Woody Mosten gives mediators some great advice:

“1. Make peacemaking your life’s work. Talk about it, study it, create a personal mission statement

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. Create a career plan and have a vision of your role in the field—five, ten, twenty and thirty years from now.

2. Perform a peacemaker-impact study in the work you do. Test every projected plan to gain skills, help your clients, or build your practice by how such plan is consistent with peacemaking.

3. Add new roles or services within your current job or practice to enhance peacemaking. For example, if you are doing conciliation work within your organization, think about how to educate members of your organization about peacemaking or consider developing a coaching program to help individuals going through disputes within your organization or in their personal lives.

4. Become a preventive conflict-wellness thinker and provider.

5. Constantly reflect on your own professional behavior and monitor your humility and openness to new approaches.

6. Embrace others through collaboration and implementation of peacemaking values.”