Fire burns, yet – fire can clean, fire can purify, and fire can harden. Obstacles, trials, and setbacks are all types of fires in our life. Depending on the fuel and location, fires can be helpful or harmful. The outcomes are ours to choose. We are not completed by the success we achieve, but become a success during and after the trial, after the burning, because of the fire. The journey of success is what makes us strong, not the success itself.
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch
The Fire of Success: Hope is the heat/spark. Action is the fuel. Persistence is the oxygen.
1. Hope (Heat/Spark) – Hope is believing something good will happen. Hope is a decision, a choice. It is holding a bold conviction in times of uncertainty. Hope is the foundation of a successful journey. We are what we repeatedly think about. If we think about the possibilities our minds will focus on what needs to happen in order to fulfill the hope we install.
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
2. Action (Fuel) – Do something. Always be taking steps toward your desired objective. Be flexible, but never stop moving. Waiting is hard. Working is actually easier. Why do so many people wait instead of work? It must be the starting – the starting is hardest, but the doing is easier. Just like in lifting weights, the hardest point in the lift is the moment where all the weight is down and you need to move it, to change the direction. The same is true in life. Changing direction, starting over, that is when it gets hard and when most people stop. Just do something and stay focused. Make sure your actions align with what your desired outcome is.
“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” – Abraham Lincoln
3. Persistence (Oxygen) – Actions and Hope are to be married by consistency and a complete effort. The trick is to keep going, to keep moving, to finish the turnaround, just finish. Continued work is rewarded more than idleness.
“As long as we are persistent in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom
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When the fires of life come they can be devastating. When controlled they can be used to grow, develop, renew, and find fulfillment. Success is a mindset. Our mind is constantly burning. Controlling the mind, that is the power to control the fire. The foundation of success lies in our ability to control our thoughts, as thoughts lead to actions, and persistent action leads to desired results. Always be learning. Always inspire your mind, your heart, and your soul with people and situations that make you stronger. Help others and your success will grow.
Have Hope. Take Action. Repeat & Continue.
Now It’s Your Turn: What Are steps/ideas/experiences you have had when it comes to creating your own personal success? What fires have helped you become stronger?
Here are 3 more quick posts that might interest you:
- Three E’s For Success
- Why Selfishness Hurts Your Career
- How I Blew a Great Opportunity and What I Learned Along The Way
If you would like to contact me please email: cmareoj @ gmail